Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lilies by the Palm

These lilies were waiting for their picture to be taken yesterday...just reaching out in contrast to the palm's trunk to be seen. Today I went by, and they were gone....glad I didn't miss them yesterday. 

Lotus Seed Pod

The seed pod of the lotus appears  in the middle of the flower when it blossoms.  It reminds me that we blossom and then we go to seed!! ^;~ What a beautiful process to watch from bud to flower to seed.  

Lotus bud

I've never seen a lotus blossom or flower until this beautiful they are.  I'm waiting for this one to open so I can take a picture of it open.  This was taken yesterday.  I went by today hoping to catch it open, but it was the same.  Perhaps another day, it will show its beautiful face. 

Resting time

This little one was taking a rest in a near by park.  How nice he stayed so still so his picture could be taken. 

Nothing quite so lovely as a flower

There are times when nature makes a perfect flower...this is one of those...or is it that I caught its face before nature had bruised its face.

Nature's Dancing Hearts

I've never noticed nature's dancing hearts until today.  I don't know what they are called...but they sure are neat...reminders all around us of love.